Wow, four years already. I met Gavin five years ago. A fresh R.M. and I was right out of high school. The first time I met him was also my first time at single's ward for our church. He sat by me in Sunday school and offered to share his scriptures. What a missionary. Haha. Right away we hung out pretty regularly. He has always been a TON of fun.
Five years later, we have had a million great memories. We've gone on trips all over. California and Mexico a few times, visited Sedona, Iowa and Oregon, been to Disneyland together, gone on little stay-cations, quadding a bunch and going up north to the snow or to visit family. We have gone to family reunions, watched fireworks, gone hiking, swimming and hot tubbing, went shopping a lot, been out to eat and to the movies a lot. We have moved five times total and are looking to hopefully buy our first home in the next few years. We have a beautiful 8 month old baby boy. He makes our marriage so fun stronger and filled with love.
I'm so grateful to have gone to church that first Sunday so that I could end up with all of this. I love my husband more and more every time I look into those big, blue eyes! He really does love us unconditionally and we couldn't be more lucky to have him in our little family.
This year, Gavin had the day off of work. So we took Gram shopping and got lunch and just really hung out with each other. Our lives have been so busy with Gram lately, it's fun just to get out of the house and walk around the mall. It's the little things that help keep our friendship close. He really is my best friend and I'm glad I get to share my life with him.
(WOW. I could really stare at this pic all day.)
(WOW. I could really stare at this pic all day.)