New Year's Party
This year my in-laws threw a party at their house. Friends and family came to eat, play games, and visit. We had all sorts of treats and snacks. It's always fun when my family can come over and hang out with my in-laws.
Baby Gram was already asleep by then. He wants to "end the party at 11:00." Haha.
2011 was an incredible year for us.
January- We decided to get pregnant and actually got pregnant!
February- We found out we were pregnant and had our first ultrasound done.
March- It was my birthday so we got our friends and family together to celebrate. We had a BBQ get together at Kiwanis park in Tempe.
(add more pics)
I told my family we were pregnant that day as well. Sooo scary, but they were so excited for us. :)
We then went to Las Vegas with our cousin Jake and his wife Jourdan. First time to Vegas being over 21. Not that I gamble.

April- Nothing cool happened that I can remember. Haha
May- Gavin graduated ASU!! So proud of him! We also took a trip to Mexico with Gav's family. We stayed in Rocky Point on a private beach Tami arranged for us. Best way to vacay!

June- We celebrated our 3rd year of marriage. Wow does time fly by! I also switched from a doctor to a midwife. Bring on the natural birthing!
July- Gavin started his Kaplan prep course for his MCAT exam.
August- Celebrated Gavin's 26th birthday. We also moved out of our Tempe apartment back to Mesa. So glad to feel at home again.
September- Gavin took his big MCAT test. What an accomplishment that is! I enjoyed my beautiful baby shower at Susie Merwin's house. Her and my mom threw the party.

October- Had our hospital tour. Mercy Gilbert is very pro natural births which is why we chose that hospital. Then it was a waiting game. Then it was game time! Gave birth to the most perfect thing on earth, our baby Gavin Gram! We dressed him up as a monkey and took him home from the hospital. He was also a monkey for Halloween 10 days later. The Whipple's invited us to their annual Halloween bash. We only live across the street so of course we went!

November- Getting used to having a new addition in our lives. Went up North for Thanksgiving quadding and shooting with the Guthrie's. Then to my parent's house for Thanksgiving dinner!
December- Christmas of course!! Shopping, wrapping, family and food. What else do you need?
All in all that was an amazing year. I'm so blessed to have my family and friends in my life.
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