[Mama and Gram at 3 months old]

Gram and I were lucky enough to go visit my sister-in-law, Hanna, and her family in Wisconsin. Tami was already going to visit her. So since Hanna wouldn't get to see Gram until he was a lot older, we tagged along too. Hanna's husband Kyle is doing his residency there as a doctor. Since my husband wants to be a doctor as well, I would kinda get a glimpse of what it's like when your husband's a doctor.
We arrived in Wisconsin with a windchill of about -20 degrees below zero. Ouch. So needless to say we stayed in doors a lot. Who cares! When you can see this family and get to stay and play with them for an entire week, you don't mind a bit. I've missed this family a lot. We did get some fun shopping in and of course visited a cheese factory. Hanna is fun to shop with. Especially since she kinda looks like me and we wear the same size. I would just eye ball the clothes on her and see if they would work for me, too. Haha. We also started refinishing Hanna's kitchen cabinets. Gorgeous! My favorite part was watching Hanna do it all. She takes care of her five children while Kyle's at work in different clinics. She makes all the meals (with some of McDonald's help), cleans the house, and does her medical transcribing at night after the kids are asleep. I could hardly handle my one child who had a cold. Maybe this is a sign I should stop at one?
{He prefers Mountain Dew but we were fresh out}

We were so lucky that Hanna has an amazing photographer friend. They set up a photo shoot for Gram and I. I literally cried three times. I was so happy to get professional photos of Gram. He was already three months! They turned out beautifully and I couldn't be happier.
The one on the left is Gram, obviously. The one on the right is me at the same age. Can you see the similarities? He's definitely my child. So, I was especially grateful to get this photo taken of him since it's so similar to mine.
I had so much fun I can't wait for Hanna and her family to come visit us this summer!
I had so much fun I can't wait for Hanna and her family to come visit us this summer!
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