Just 6 months ago from today our little guy was born. Such an incredible day that we will always remember. I still day dream about it and everything that happened. It's cheesy to say, but it really was magical. I couldn't believe we were starting a family. Our lives have been changed forever for the better. It has been a fun journey learning about him and how to take care of him. So far I know we've done a great job at playing with and feeding him. He has always been fat and happy! We started sleep training this week so hopefully we'll be able to teach him how to sleep in his own.
For his half birthday we bought him a pinstriped baseball outfit and took him to a D-backs game to celebrate. All American boy here! I also ordered him all of his pictures we took back when he was three months old for him to hang in his room. We moved him to his new big boy room and bed. I'm sorry we won't be co-sleeping anymore but he was getting too wiggly!! We didn't want him scooting off the bed in the middle of the night!
We were going to throw him a little family party at the park. BBQ and games was what I was thinking. Too bad it hit 100 degrees yesterday! So we are just going to make him a little cake and have dinner at our house with our families. For his real birthday we will definitely be going all out!!!